redensity boost

What is redensity boost?

Redensity boost is a non-cross-linked Hyaluronic Acid. which uses effective and natural components such as amino acids. antioxidants. minerals and vitamins to create

Redensity boost is designed to prevent premature skin ageing, restore skin density and maintain skin glow. It is an award-winning product which is composed of ingredients naturally found in the skin which act as an overall skin enhancer and revitaliser.

from ยฃ250


frequency of treatment
6-9 months

frequently asked questions

  • All make-up will be removed from the area to be treated so wear no make-up or minimal make-up to the appointment.

    Do not drink alcohol 24 hours before (and after) the procedure.

    Discontinue blood thinning medication 7 days prior to treatment, as they may increase the risk of bruising, this includes aspirin and ibuprofen (please check with your Dr before stopping prescribed medication). Also avoid St Johnโ€™s Wort, fish oils, Gingko Biloba, Vitamins C and E 24 hours before treatment.

    Avoid using topical products such as Tretinoin, Retinols and Glycolic Acid 3 days prior treatment.

    Contact clinic prior to treatment if you have any illness such as colds, coughs or sore throat or any skin infections.

    Contact the clinic if you have any other procedures planned such as facials and dental appointments.

    Arnica tablets can be taken 3 days before treatment to reduce the risk of bruising. Ensure you have had something to eat prior to treatment to decrease the chances of light-headedness.

  • You may have redness, and bruising is possible and may take a few days to appear, arnica can be helpful in clearing bruising.

    Avoid wearing make-up 12 hours after treatment

    Avoid sun bathing, and extremes of heat or cold for 14 days post treatment.

    Avoid vigorous exercise for 48 hours

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